The Art of Being: How Meditation Coaching Redefined Success

I met Jessica during a transitional and reset phase of my life where I felt utterly lost about who I am and what I am called to do in my life. I was eager to access the deeper self within me in search of these answers, but had no tools nor knowledge about how to do so.
— Client

The Turning Point: A Client’s Journey Begins

When this client of mine first reached out to me in 2022, she was searching for something “more.” After watching my interview on Sherry’s MBTI podcast, she felt a deep connection and decided to explore meditation coaching as a way to rediscover herself. At that time, she was grappling with an identity crisis — a buildup of 30 years of mind-body-spirit misalignment. Just two days before our discovery call, she had quit her high-paying corporate job. Despite her financial success and the influence she held in her career, she felt utterly powerless, unsettled, and disconnected from her place in the world. She couldn’t bring herself to perform even the most basic tasks at work.

But there was one thing she knew: she was ready for change. She wanted to move toward a path that motivated her from within and allowed her to balance work and life—especially as she aspired to start a family one day. To achieve this, she knew she had to confront her truest self.

A Path Only She Could Walk: A Unique Evolution

Her journey through meditation coaching was uniquely hers, shaped by her personal and professional experiences. She entered our sessions with determination, ready to "maximize" her self-investment. Initially, she approached our work with the same rigorous note-taking and assignment completion that had served her well in her corporate life. But over time, she realized that speed and efficiency were not the keys to her desired outcomes. It was when she began to slow down and welcome patience, grace, and presence into her life that she truly started to heal and transform. She discovered that life wasn’t about following orders or achieving results anymore—it was about simply being.

Breakthrough Moments: Key Milestones of Transformation

  1. The moment she became aware of her results-oriented tendencies, marking the start of her shift toward a more mindful approach.

  2. A powerful session where her 8-year-old inner child surfaced, leading to the release of her perfectionist self.

  3. The joyful remembrance and realization of her true life and work passions.

A Complete 360: Empowered and Aligned

After eight months of working together, her personal and professional life underwent a complete transformation. Today, she finds herself in an aligned romantic relationship, travels frequently, and is passionately building an innovative wellness business aimed at helping other women experience similar transformations.

In Her Own Words: A Story of Rebirth

"I met Jessica during a transitional and reset phase of my life where I felt utterly lost about who I am and what I am called to do. I was eager to access the deeper self within me but had no tools or knowledge about how to do so. Through Jessica's meditation coaching, I was able to let go of the mental blocks that had deterred me from accessing my true self, buried deep down by external voices and societal expectations. It felt like I finally made progress in finding inner peace.

Perhaps Jessica's superpower lies in her ability to create a safe space for me to drop deep into my heart and let my inner voice speak. As someone who had a high guard toward people (and my true self!), I couldn't recall how many times I naturally broke down my walls and let go of my pent-up emotions with Jessica, which was a healing and therapeutic experience in and of itself.

Thank you, Jessica, for being such an amazing coach! I am glad to have you walking this self-discovery journey with me, and I look forward to continuing this adventure together!”

Crafting the Path: A Personalized Approach to Healing

From our first sessions, I knew this specific client thrived on structure, but actually needed more spontaneity and flow to balance out her highly analytical, perfectionist tendencies. (As a former perfectionist and workaholic myself, I could deeply relate.) So, while we built upon her daily meditation practice, we also embraced more softness in her life through creative journaling prompts, feminine movement exercises, and mindful social interactions with family, friends, and mentors.

Visualization was also key in our work together. From reconnecting with her inner child to envisioning her dream life, visualization helped her relieve subconscious stress, declutter her mind, spark inspiration, and move toward the balanced personal-work life she had always desired.

Stepping Into Your Own Power: Begin Your Transformational Journey Today

Since our work together, meditation and creative joy have become integral parts of her daily practice. She has attended multiple 10-day silent Vipassana retreats and continues to check in with me both online and in person on a seasonal basis. Her relentless commitment to personal growth has been truly inspiring, and I am honored to continue supporting her as she steps into her truest self. Not only has her personal life been enriched in the most aligned ways, but she is also on the verge of making a significant societal impact with her entrepreneurial spirit.

If her journey resonates with you, I invite you to book a discovery call. Whether you’re at a crossroads in your life or seeking to deepen your connection with your true self, meditation coaching can provide the transformative support you need to embark on your own journey of self-discovery and lasting positive change.


Embracing the Shadow: How a Meltdown Became My Path to Illumination


Meditation Coaching Explained: Your Path to Inner Calm and Outer Growth